This is a topic I've been kicking around in my head for a long time,
but I have not wanted to really follow through on writing because it's
kind of mean. I know I will come off as a sanctimommy at some point, but
damn. Just, damn. Some things need to be said, okay? Keep in mind that
I'm bouncing around from special needs parenting to typical parenting
with this rant, please.
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I asked for input from other moms and received big time.
For starters, if you take your child to the pool, interact with that child. Go on,
do it. It
is not my job to watch your child and make sure he isn't drowning,
splashing, or krakening the hell out other children. Don't be pissed off
whenever I finally get fed up and bring him to you and expect you to do
something other than read your magazine, okay? This child came out of
your uterus, you get to take care of him, so do it.
off of that, don't ignore your children. It's rude, for starters, and
it shows the rest of us the quality of your parenting or lack thereof.
Want to know what ignoring your children looks like? Talking about them
like they aren't right next to you. Or flat out ignoring requests, bad
behavior, and not knowing what's going on in their world. Stop it.
Don't take advantage of people who don't ignore their children and assume that they would love to babysit your spawn.
"I'm tired of being the babysitter for the neighborhood because I pay attention to my own kids," says my friend Amanda from Confessions From HouseholdSix.
assume because my child is autistic that he's stupid. Or that because
he's wanting to play with your younger child that he's incapable of
playing with your older child. Maybe your older child is a jerk.
Get over being a victimommy. Autism and other special needs aren't pretty,
I get that. However, your child's autism isn't about you. I know that meltdowns, IEPs, visits to the doctor, etc., are
a bitch.
But this, at the end of the day, isn't about you. It's about your
child. Feel free to cry foul to people who know you best but if you're
just meeting someone, don't do that. You sound like someone I might want
to avoid.
On that note, venting is always good. There
are plenty of Facebook groups, therapists, etc., if you don't have
friends. But please, practice some decorum, especially if you're doing
this online.
Of course, sometimes it's the simple things that piss us off.
"Talking. They should just refrain from talking," says my friend Flannery from The Connor Chronicles. She gets it.
the comparisons with special needs. We are each on a different path but
on the same planet. You don't know what I go through any more than I
do; there is no sense in telling me I have it easier or harder than you
and then listing the reasons why.
Stop letting your
children get away with asshole behavior. This applies across the board
to all parents. I'm a firm believer that parents create asshole kids.
You allow you child to get away with asshole behavior once, twice, three
times without saying much and guess what? Your child ends up being
"that kid" we all tell our kids, special needs or not, to avoid. And you
end up being that mom we want to shank- repeatedly.
"all kids do that." I've heard it, my friends have heard it, we all
hate it. When we are discussing our autistic child's
habits/obsessions/behaviors and another parent (the clueless wonder)
says that, we all feel like that parent is trying to invalidate our
experiences. If little Johnny is still obsessively lining up cars at the
age of eight, flapping like a bird, and can repeat Nemo line for
line... he might be autistic. So bite me.
Offering up
prayers or unsolicited advice will make me want to slap you. I've
actually had people offer to pray for my son's autism to go away. What
is that?
Pray for my sanity to stay somewhat intact while I raise him and his
little brother, pray we get our house sold soon so I can move out of
this apartment, but please, don't pray for my son. He isn't sick, he's
Giving looks of pity. 'Nuff said.
your NT kid to have fewer manners and social skills than my autistic
kid is bad form. Really. I don't feel like I should have to elaborate,
but here we go! This goes back to allowing your kids to be assholes,
too. Teach your children manners, it isn't hard. Teach your children
that it's mean to be mean. Teach them to respect other people. Want to
know how to do this? Practice what you preach.
pull your kids away from my kid when you hear the word "autistic."
You're teaching them that autistic is bad. You're telling me that you're
a bigot. And an asshole.
Starting a sentence with, "I would
never allow
my children to..." which is in reference to
my child
still carrying a lovey, using a pacifier, wearing second hand clothing,
or eating food which is probably riddled with dyes and GMOs. Guess
what, asshat, I'm doing a lot of things I never thought I would, either.
Don't judge. I'm willing to bet you hide in your closet and drink cheap
boxed wine at night. That's not organic, just sayin.'
leaving a lot out, but this was turning into a book. What I'm getting
at is just be a good person. Be a good parent. I know I practice
unconventional parenting, but my children are polite and fairly pleasant
creatures. Most of the time.
would you add to this list? What parenting practices are you seeing
that drive you insane and would cause you to not want to interact with
another parent?